Workshop Director
Olya Khaleelee, Leadership Consultant and Corporate Psychologist working in commercial organisations, has a particular interest in leadership. (London, UK)
Scientific Advisor
Anton Obholzer, Senior Faculty member of INSEAD Global Leadership Centre, Paris, France. Founder and Director of the Tavistock Centre Consulting to Institutions Workshop, Director / Chief Executive Tavistock Centre.
Byography Anton Obholzer
Anton Obholzer is from 2000 Senior Faculty member of INSEAD Global Leadership Centre, Paris, France. He has been the Founder and Director of the Tavistock Centre Consulting to Institutions Workshop from 1980 to 2002; Director / Chief Executive Tavistock Centre, London 1985-2002; Visiting Professor Universities of Vienna and Graz, Austria.
Anton Obholzer has increasingly moved into the application of psychological understanding in the management of organisations. His consultancy experience covers a wide range of commercial, banking and public sector organisations with the main emphasis of work and publications being on “under-the-surface” / unconscious factors causing resistance to change. He has worked and is presently engaged in projects in, UK, Germany, Austria, France, Italy and Spain.
His work with chief executives and senior management staff takes the form of mentoring, coaching and role consultancy. The emphasis is on the multiplicity of factors playing a role in personal and institutional creativity.
Publications. With Vega Roberts “The Unconscious at Work”, Routledge.