Workshop Director
Olya Khaleelee, Leadership Consultant and Corporate Psychologist working in commercial organisations, has a particular interest in leadership. (London, UK)
Scientific Advisor
Anton Obholzer, Senior Faculty member of INSEAD Global Leadership Centre, Paris, France. Founder and Director of the Tavistock Centre Consulting to Institutions Workshop, Director / Chief Executive Tavistock Centre.
Biography Paolo Valerio
Paolo Valerio, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Naples University Federico II where he is involved in research and clinical activity, started his career as a neuro-psychiatrist and completed his training in psychodynamic psychotherapy at SIPP. He developed his understanding of group relations and groups dynamics through the Leicester Conferences organized by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
Paolo is vice-chancellor for students with disabilities and Director of SInAPSi and is Director of the postgraduate courses in Clinical Psychology. His training activities are addressed to professionals involved in health and social care and are aimed at developing interpersonal communication and counselling skills.
He is Director of the Psychology Service of the Naples University Hospital and of the Counselling Service at the Italian Military Air Force Academy.
As President of ONIG, the National Observatory of Gender Identity, the Italian equivalent of the WPATH, his latest research and clinical activity is about gender identity and is aimed at preventing in school settings and in social contexts homophobia and transphobia and at improving networks to fight gender and sexual stigma.
He founded and chairs two Scientific Associations (A.RI.S.ME.F. and AISPsi) aimed at improving research and interventions in family mediation and the development of psychoanalytic culture. Paolo is the President of the Foundation “Gender, Identity and Culture”, is a member of the Committee and the Editorial Boards of a number of Italian and international Scientific Journals.
+39 081 7463459